How to Register
You can register your child at any time by completing the School Registration form. This will secure your place.
There is a single registration fee per family of £90.00, but please complete one registration form per child.
Entry into Reception
For children starting school in Reception at the beginning of the school year (the Autumn Term), places are non selective but are allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Filling in a registration form and paying a single registration fee of £90 per family, is sufficient to reserve a place.
Entry into Pre-Prep (Years 1 to 2)
Children coming into our Pre-Prep in Years 1 and 2 will need to spend approximately half a day at school for an informal and relaxed literacy and numeracy assessment. In the event of this not being feasible, we will contact your child’s school or nursery for a reference. The offer of a place would be subject to the outcome of the familiarisation day or reference, and whether there is space available in the year group. Prior to the familiarisation day a £90 family registration fee will be required to reserve the space.
Entry into Prep (Years 3 to 8)
Entry into the Prep School is subject to availability and an assessment day. For Years 3 to 8, children would usually have an assessment day in School prior to being offered a place. Should this not be feasible, contact will be made with the child’s current school and a reference will be sought, either oral or written, before a place is offered. Prior to the assessment day a £90 family registration fee will be required to reserve the space.
Confirmation and Deposit
Prior to entry, parents are asked to confirm their registration, complete a Pupil Information Form and agree to our Standard Terms and Conditions. At this time, parents are requested to pay a deposit of £500 to secure a place in the School. 50% of this deposit is deducted from the first term’s school fees and the remaining 50% is deducted from the final fee account when the pupil leaves Spratton Hall at the end of Year 8.
Admissions Terms and Conditions
Overseas Pupils Policy
Click here for how to register a pupil from overseas.

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