Google Classroom

Google Classroom is Spratton Hall’s main “Learning Platform” – a safe, closed website which is designed to support teaching and learning. It is an innovative way of passing information to pupils, aiding them with their learning while at the same time promoting development of Computing skills and greater independence.

At Spratton Hall the teachers are able to use Google Classroom to:

  • Give instructions for completion of simple preps
  • Set online interactive preps that encourage pupils to use Computing skills as well as subject specific skills
  • Attach useful files, documents, web links, video clips, interactive worksheets, revision material, or any other material that may aid a pupils’ learning
  • Provide extension work for those pupils interested in a particular subject
  • Pass back immediate feedback on preps or other work, through a simple forum for responding to work submitted
  • Assist in the delivery of lessons in school, where teachers can deliver some of the content of a lesson through attached links to their Google Classroom groups

We feel that all these positive benefits motivate pupils, develop good cross-curricular skills, and provide us with an exciting interactive resource with which to expand pupils knowledge and skills.

Open Morning

Friday 6th October 10.00am to 12.00pm

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Open Mornings