Out of School Activities

Spratton Hall has links with lots of external clubs and organisations, some of which operate within the school grounds during the school day whilst others are nearby in the local counties of Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Warwickshire. If you know of any out of school holiday clubs, activities or events that might be of interest to other Spratton Hall parents, please email office@sprattonhall.com

At School


Tennis lessons are provided by Northampton Tennis Coaching. There is an additional charge for these sessions. For more information please email northamptontenniscoaching@gmail.com.


We have after school weekly ballet lessons available to all pupils, taught by Miss Natalie Carter of Northamptonshire School of Dance. Visit www.northamptonshiredance.co.uk for more information.

Non-School Events

St Matthews Church – Choristers

Fitness Classes There are HIIT Training classes for school parents on Mondays and Thursday at 8.45 am on the sports fields at Spratton.  Contact Simone on 07860 727900 for more information.

Using Spratton Hall Facilities

If you would like to know more or if you are interested in using our facilities, please contact the Markus Wilson on 01604 847292 or mgw@sprattonhall.com.

Open Morning

Friday 6th October 10.00am to 12.00pm

Discover what a Spratton Hall education could do for your child.

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Open Mornings