The Music Department offers a number of extra-curricular activities and there are many opportunities for pupils to perform solos or as part of an ensemble. Our visiting peripatetic members of staff offer a wide range of instrumental lessons, together with singing lessons and music theory.

Peripatetic Music Lessons

The Department has 12 visiting peripatetic members of staff, who offer a wide range of instrumental lessons, together with singing lessons and music theory. Over 250 pupils are currently taking individual music lessons and approximately 100 Associated Board/Trinity Music Examinations are taken each year ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 6.

To apply for lessons please complete the attached form and return to the school office.


Extra Curricular Music

We offer a wide variety of extra-curricular music activities listed below with times, teachers and a short introduction.

Bands and Orchestras

Junior Wind Band

The Junior Wind Band comprises of woodwind, brass and percussion players up to Grade 3 in standard. Pupils are encouraged to join after only having a few lessons on their instrument as playing in an ensemble develops many skills as a beginner. Some can only play one or two notes while others are more developed in their ability. Percussionists are invited to join and as well as playing the drum kit, they also experience playing a variety of different auxiliary percussion instruments.

Concert Band

The Concert Band gives children the opportunity to further develop their musical ability within a large ensemble. This group is fed by our Junior Wind Band. The Concert Band is made up of musicians of Grade 2 standard and above. It plays a variety of different styles of music e.g. music from musicals and films, classical arrangements, jazz and traditional marches. The Concert Band extends and develops the technical aspect of a pupil’s playing while also developing ensemble playing skills.  The Concert Band perform in many concerts throughout the year.

Jazz Band

The Jazz Band was developed to give pupils a further understanding and experience of playing music of a different genre. It comprises of saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, trombone and rhythm section players. They play big band style jazz developing skills such as improvisation.  The Jazz Band have performed several times at the National Festival of Music for Youth in Birmingham.

String Orchestra

The String Orchestra provides our vast number of string players the opportunity to play in a larger ensemble.  It plays a variety of different styles of music catering for those players of Grade 1 standard to those who are Grade 5+.

Smaller Ensembles

GUITAR Ensemble

The classical guitar can be a very isolated and lonely instrument to learn which is why the Guitar Ensemble plays an important role.  It offers pupils the opportunity to learn the skills of ensemble playing without the fear of solo performance.  It helps pupils develop their own counting, listening and sight-reading skills along with the fun and enjoyment of getting together with other guitarists.


Room 23 meet every Tuesday with the aim of offering experienced players the chance to perform in a pop group. Pupils democratically select songs of their choice, write their own arrangements, and then perform in regular termly concerts. Skills using a P.A, microphones and electronic equipment are also developed.


Nearly all of the brass players in school play in the Brass Ensemble. The group gives its players the opportunity to develop their ensemble playing skills as well as improve their note and rhythm reading. The younger pupils learn from the older, more advanced pupils and it is wonderful to hear them all playing together in our Christmas and Summer concerts.


The Flute Ensemble takes place every Friday lunchtime and includes nearly all of the flute players in school. The Flute Ensemble is open to flute players that are approaching Grade 1 standard and above.


Having learnt the ocarina in Year 1, those Year 2 pupils that would like to continue with the enjoyment of playing the instrument, have the opportunity to join the Ocarina Club. The group consists of the majority of Year 2 and they play a variety of different music.


There is a great tradition of choirs at Spratton Hall. Five choirs exist in total these include the Year 2 Choir, Junior Song, Senior Choir, Year 8 Choir, and The Pop Choir.


The Year 2 Choir is an after school activity for those who love to sing!  A wide range of songs are learnt and the choir have performed in the Brixworth Music Festival and to parents within the school.  The children sing very enthusiastically every Friday after school!


Junior Song gives children in Years 3 and 4 the experience of singing in a choir. Anybody can join and we particularly encourage those who have singing lessons to take part. They sing a variety of different styles of music from songs to develop technique and singing in parts to songs from the stage and screen. They regularly take part in concerts and church services in school.

Senior CHOIR

The Spratton Hall Senior Choir is made up of pupils in Years 5 – 8. The choir enjoy a wide variety of styles including music from shows, secular music and modern music to name a few. This enables pupils to have a deeper appreciation of music from around the world. It also extends and develops the technical aspect of a pupil’s vocal work. Performing in the choir has given its members greater self-esteem and built confidence. Anybody can join the choir, but we particularly encourage those who are having singing lessons to take part. The Senior Choir take part in many concerts and church services throughout the year.

Year 8 Choir

The Year 8 Choir gives our senior pupils the opportunity to sing in a smaller chamber choir. As part of the choir, they develop their ability to sing as a soloist as well as sing different parts. They sing a range of different styles of music and perform in both concerts and church services.


The Pop Choir involves children from Years 3 – 8 who want to have a relaxed singsong. They rehearse every Friday lunchtime. Pupils in Year 8 lead the group and their enthusiasm certainly rubs off on the younger children and makes this a fun group to listen to and watch. The Pop Choir sing in concerts throughout the school year.

Open Morning

Friday 6th October 10.00am to 12.00pm

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