
If you were to ask a Spratton Hall child about Geography they would probably grin and look at you with a gleeful smile and say ‘Geography is Everywhere!’ Geography really is everywhere, and through our lessons at Spratton Hall we aim to empower the pupils with the curiosity to find out more about the world around us. Our team of Geography subject specialists stimulate pupils’ interest in their own surroundings and the workings of the wider world in the hope and belief that this will encourage our children to be excellent global citizens.

Geography Curriculum

Through a balanced curriculum we investigate features of both the physical and human world and how they intertwine. The human impact on the physical world is an ever-growing concern, and an appreciation of the environment and how it can be managed is integral to the whole Geography syllabus. Geography is unique in that it allows pupils to investigate a wide range of people, places and environments at different scales around the world. 

This starts with using the 65 acre grounds and our Forest School to look at habitats, animal adaptations and weathering, and then, at age appropriate intervals, develops into residential study visits to the eagerly anticipated ‘Conkers’ in the National Forest in Year 5 and, in Year 6, to Edale in the Peak District National Park to study the impact of tourism on the environment and the management of a fragile ecosystem.

Years 3, 4 and 5

In Year 3 Geography is taught as part of an integrated Humanities syllabus looking at fundamental topics such as where we are in the world and how different places have different characteristics. Moving up through the school, Geography is taught as its own subject from Year 4 onwards, where we look at topics such as the Rainforests. The trip to The Living Rainforest is often identified by the children as their highlight of the year! Progressing into Year 5 sees us consider how we can protect the environment and we kick-start the opportunities provided by Geography to complete lessons outside, enjoy our first proper fieldwork and plan some individual research using the school issued Chromebooks.

Years 6, 7 and 8

In Years 6, 7 and 8 the content is more formalised yet lessons are fun and interactive using a variety of stimuli such as fieldwork, the pupils’ own Chromebooks, data from the Spratton Hall Weather Station, interactive smartboards, group work and further individual research. The children are assessed via both internal Yr 8 exams and a Fieldwork project, which provides them with excellent preparation for Geography GCSE work. Topics include Tectonic Processes, Environmental Issues, Economic Activities and Geomorphological Processes. We also look at sustainability and how 8.1 billlion people can inhabit our planet without destroying it.

‘The future depends on what you do today.’ Mahatma Gandhi

By the time the pupils leave Spratton Hall they should have an understanding of how their world works and an appreciation of a variety of environments and how they can be sustained. Our lessons provide the catalyst for knowledgeable, deep thinking Geographers to ensure they can develop into competent stewards of the planet.

Open Morning

Friday 6th October 10.00am to 12.00pm

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